Five Minute Friday: “Hands”

`It’s that time of the week when hundreds of bloggers log on to their computers to participate in a free writing flash mob hosted by Lisa-Jo Baker.

“Hands” is the word.  And the very first thing that came to mind when I read the Five Minute Friday prompt for this week was one of my favorite songs as a child, that I now sing daily to my little guy and one that I sang repeatedly to his big brother. 

Both my boys share my fondness for this song…

I washed my hands this morning,
O, very clean and white,
And lent them both to Jesus,
To work for Him till night.

Little feet be careful
Where you take me too,
Anything for Jesus
Only let me do.

I told my ears to listen
Quite closely all day thru,
For any act of kindness
Such little hands could do.

I told my eyes to watch them
About their work or play,
To keep them out of mischief
For Jesus’ sake all day.


02.11.2011  (2)At the start of each day when my three year old and I say our morning prayer we pray that we “make it a good day”. 

My hope is that me & my boys always remember to lend our hands to Jesus so that we may do good deeds for others which will undoubtedly make our days good

Might we remember the words in this song and share our hands & hearts for Jesus sake. 

And my hope for you, my readers, is not only that you be on the giving end of acts of kindness but might you also receive the giving works of others through their hands and their hearts.

Happy Friday.
– T

Note:  I copied/pasted the lyrics to the song above however I found two separate authors noted; L.M. Bateman & J.H. Rosecrans are both given credit for writing I Washed My Hands This Morning.

“Hand” Made Flag T-Shirts

aIMG_2878Last year me and my little guy made flag      t-shirts for him and his big brother.

These Patriotic shirts turned out perfect for Memorial Day, Flag Day, & Independence Day.

My teen still wears his regularly however my tot has grown a few sizes since last summer and with a Marine Boot Camp Graduation in our near future as well as Flag Day and Independence Day we made him a new one this week that fits.

To create this Flag T-shirt you will need five items …
*White T-Shirt  *Blue Fabric Paint  *Red Fabric Paint  *Paint Brush  *Small Hand


Instructions:  Prewash t-shirt; Place a piece of cardboard inside the t-shirt so that the paint does not bleed through to the back of the shirt; Start with the blue hand print before adding the red stripes with a paint brush; Allow time to dry before wearing and washing.  Wear with Pride.

aIMG_2849And one more suggested instruction:  if your little one is anything like mine I recommend you pull out an old t-shirt from the Goodwill box in the Garage and some washable paints to paint while you work on the red stripes.  My tot loved every minute of painting a t-shirt “just like Momma” and was extremely proud of his finished product.

Cute, right?
– T

Linking up:  Works For Me Wednesday    Treasure Box Tuesday   Made By You Monday
All Things With Purpose  Weekend No Rules Blog Hop     Nifty Thrify Sunday     Creative Corner Hop   A Creative Princess


“Daddy’s Candy ‘stache” . . . . A Sweet Father’s Day Gift

Mommas might love receiving vases filled with flower bouquets for Mother’s Day but when Father’s Day rolls around the best vase filled bouquet for Daddy is a stash (or ‘stache) of his favorite candy.


This is one of my husband’s very favorite gifts to receive.  At his office he is known for his “candy stash” which takes up an entire desk drawer therefore this sweet gift fits him perfectly.

candy 001aWhat you’ll need:
– A Vase
– Dad’s Favorite Candy
   (Skittles, Reece’s, Blow Pops & Twix for my husband)
– Craft/Popsicle Sticks or Wooden Skewers
– Ribbons for the Vase & for bows on the sticks
– Foam Paper or Card Stock
– A Little Hand
(or a few little hands; to trace & cut an “I Love You”)
– Letter Stickers
– Hot Glue Gun

This fun bouquet makes a thoughtful and personal gift.  It is one that any age child can help in creating; even if it is just to use their hand for the “I Love You” sign cut-out or selecting Daddy’s favorite candy.  This candy ‘stache is sure to please.

Wishing you a Sweet Week!
– T
Linking Up:  Creative Corner Hop   Treasure Box Tuesday   Nifty Thrify Sunday

The Girl Creative DIY Inspired   Sits Sharefest    Project Inspired  Works For Me Wednesday

Grilled Pizza

This is a fast & easy and almost completely mess free kid friendly grilled meal.  Perfect for summer time and individually made so that each pizza is just the way you like it.

aIMG_2594Begin by making your dough.  Mix the first four ingredients in a medium size bowl.
– 1 Tablespoon Yeast
– 1 Teaspoon White Sugar
– 1 Teaspoon Table Salt
– 1 Cup Warm Water
Stir until yeast & sugar blend.

– 2 1/2 Cups Flour
– 3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Beat Flour & Oil in with the first four ingredients then let dough rest for five minutes.
– Preferred Pizza toppings
– 2 Cups Grated Mozzarella Cheese
– 1 Jar of Pizza Sauce

Preheat BBQ Grill to a Medium heat. 

Roll out dough to preferred size – smaller is easier to maneuver on the grill.  (If possible, place on baking sheet and chill for a few minutes; the cooler the dough the easier the placement is on the grill.)

aIMG_2580Place pizza dough on grill, cover with lid,  grill for 4-5 minutes.  Remove from grill. 

Top the cooked side of Pizza with Sauce, Cheese, and Toppings then return to grill raw side down.  Cover & grill additional 4-5 minutes.

Tip:  For ease of use, spray spatula with cooking spray to prevent dough from sticking.

Happy Grilling!   – T

Linking up:  Nifty Thrifty Things   Made By You Monday   Tasty Tuesday
Fantastic Thursday    Weekend Re-Treat   Work It Wednesday

Five Minute Friday: “Nothing”

There are moments in life when it feels like everything has been ripped from us.  Moments in which we forget all of our other many blessings and even our reasons to live.  Moments when nothing else seems to matter.

145tzMy Granddad died seven years ago today.  I was on vacation in Maui when I received the phone call from my Aunt.  Her call woke me on Wednesday, May 30, 2007 and interrupted a dream that I was having about not being able to find my Granddad.  In what was really a nightmare my Aunt and I were searching high and low trying to find him.  Nothing will ever wake me up faster than a phone call before the sun rises.

I said “Hello?” 
She said “Honey.” 
I quickly responded “NO!!!  No.  This can not be happening.  This is not ok.  That’s why we couldn’t find him.  NO!!!!” 
She replied “I’m so sorry.”

And then we cried.  For a long time.  Holding our phones. Knowing there was nothing else we could do.  It was unexpected.  The heart attack took him in an instant.  My Aunt never said the words that my Granddad was gone.  She didn’t have to.  I knew it without hearing them.

Nothing will ever fill the hole in my heart that my Granddad’s passing created.  145zNothing will ever feel like his hugs and smell like the scent of his skin when he hugged me or soothe my soul like the sound of his laughter.  Nothing.  And I’m ok with that “nothing” because it reminds me of “something”.  Something so great – someone so important.

My five minutes are up.  Click here to read more Five Minute Friday entries from our blogging community free writing flash mob on Lisa-Jo Baker’s site or search #FMFparty on Twitter.
– T

Summer Reading List – Sarah Jio

aIMG_2444-wlIt is almost  summer and in most places it already feels like summer which has me thinking about my books of choice for afternoons on the beach.  Author Sarah Jio just released her sixth novel, Goodnight June.  And because I countdown to Jio’s book releases like a six year old counts down to Christmas I know better than to add this book to my “summer reading list”.  I will most certainly have Goodnight June finished before our beach day this weekend however I have decided that this summer I will reread all of my favorite Sarah Jio novels which includes every book she has written.

My best friend gifted me a signed copy of Sarah Jio’s first book, The Violets of March, when it was released by Plume (Penguin Group) in 2011.  Being that my best friend knew Sarah Jio through her then salon in Seattle she was aware of the plot and knew that Jio’s writing style would be one that I enjoyed.  My bff could not have been more right and I am extremely grateful for the introduction to these novels.  I have been a fan of Sarah Jio’s ever since reading her first book.  Jio’s writing style makes for such an easy read.  The setting of her books include my favorite era of 1930s/40s/50s and her dual storylines often touch the late 1990s through present day.  The plot of each book typically has a connection to her beloved Pacific Northwest and there is mystery, suspense, and romance all tied into these fictional novels.  They are engaging making it hard for me to put them down once I start reading and as mentioned I believe they will prove to make the perfect repeat read this summer.

sjIf you happen to be looking to add to your summer reading list I recommend Sarah Jio’s books in this order:
The Bungalow (released 12.27.2011) set in 1942, engaged Anne Calloway joins the Army to serve as a nurse; she meets a soldier whose mystery peaks her attention and begins consuming her time as they create their own story.
Morning Glory (released 11.26.2013) set on Boat Street in the boathouse community of Seattle; after present day Ada Santorini leaves her broken life in New York she discovers a trunk & Boat Street secret in her residence (houseboat #7) belonging to Penny Wentworth from 1959.
The Violets of March (released 04.26.2011) is set on Bainbridge Island in Seattle where Emily Nelson discovers a diary dated 1943 in her Aunt Bee’s home that involves many of the residents and a long time mystery that she feels obligated to solve.
The Last Camellia (released 05.28.2013) another dual storyline set 50 years apart when Addison, a garden designer, uncovers the story of misguided Flora Lewis who traveled to England in 1940 to earn money to help save her family’s bakery.
Blackberry Winter (released 09.25.2012) set in Seattle in 1933, when single mother Vera Ray’s three year old son is abducted during a night shift in which she had to leave him home alone; this tragedy and mystery was solved many years later in another dual plot.  (This book was by far the most difficult for me to read as my heart ached thinking of my own two boys with a lump in my throat and great sympathy for Vera as she longed to find her presumed dead son.)

sj2aTonight I’ll know more about Goodnight June (released 05.27.2014) which is another mystery set in the 1940s.  The next release for Sarah Jio is set for November 25, 2014 titled The Look of Love, Jio’s seventh novel and another Plume book.  I am already counting down!  (181 days.)

Happy Summer & Happy Reading…
– T

insta-twitterNote:  Sarah Jio tweeted me!  Writers everywhere can imagine how exciting that moment was for me.  It’s not everyday you receive a shout out from your favorite author!!  I’m still beaming.  See photo; if you follow me on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter you’ve likely seen it.

Linking up:
Works For Me Wednesday
Work It Wednesday
All Things With Purpose
Weekend Re-Treat
Weekend No Rules Blog Hop     The Little Things Thursday


© 2014 All opinions are my own.
I did not receive goods/funds/sponsorship to write this review.

Red, White & Blue Cookie Bar

aIMG_2117Happy Memorial Day!  Today we remember all of those who served in the US Military and gave the ultimate sacrifice while in service.  God bless them and their families.  Thank you.  And thank you to former & retired service members and those who are currently serving to protect our great nation.

In celebration of our freedom and the service men and women who protect our freedom I made Red, White & Blue Cookie Bars.  They make a perfect treat to add to an afternoon picnic or BBQ.

a-wl-IMG_0159Cookie Bar Ingredients:
2 Cups Flour
1/2 Cup Powder Sugar
1 Cup Butter (room temperature)
1 Egg
1/4 Cup Almond Milk
1 tsp Vanilla

Directions:  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Add parchment paper to a 9×9 baking pan leaving a little overhang for easy removal.  In a medium mixing bowl stir Four, Powder Sugar, Butter, Egg, Milk & a-wl-IMG_2100Vanilla with a wooden spoon until combined then knead with hands creating a dough ball.  Place dough into baking pan and press down to even out the dough.  Bake 30-35 minutes, or until edges are golden and the middle of the cookie bar passes the toothpick test.

Filling Ingredients:
1 Block (8oz) Cream Cheese (room temperature)
1/4 Cup Splenda Sugar Blend
1 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Lemon Juice

a-wl-IMG_2104Fruit Toppings:
1 Cups Sliced Strawberries
1/2 Cup Blueberries
1/2 Cup Raspberries

Directions:  Add Cream Cheese, Sugar, Vanilla & Lemon Juice to a small mixing bowl, mix until well blended.  After Cookie Bar has cooled, remove from pan then spread filling mixture to cover cookie bar then top with fruit.  Cut into bars, keep refrigerated.
Enjoy!  – T

Linking Up:   Creative Corner Hop    Time to Sparkle    Inspire Me Tuesday
Fantastic Thursday    All Things With Purpose    Link Party Palooza    The Sits Girls
Made By You Monday   Cupcakes & Crinoline Fun in the Sun

Hungry ‘Egg Carton’ Caterpillar


A fun preschool activity to go along with reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar Book (by Eric Carle) is painting and creating an Egg Carton Caterpillar!

aIMG_1242First, hang on to that egg carton you have in the fridge once you empty it.  You will also need paints, paint brushes, googly eyes, glue, and a pipe cleaner. 

Begin by cutting the carton in fourths.  Use the cover of the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, as a model caterpillar.  Paint your Caterpillar Carton (we used teal, green, blue & red paint for ours).  After the paint dries glue the googly eyes on your caterpillar and punch two holes in the top of your carton to thread the pipe cleaner through.

These Caterpillar creations are fun to play with and look great on display on a bookshelf.  My little guy loves reading books and as we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar his Egg Carton Caterpillar mimics the story.

Tip:  Empty Egg Cartons do not just come in handy when creating Hungry Caterpillars; they are also perfect when painting – add different paint colors in each pocket; and they are great to have around when working on fine motor skills – add fuzzy balls and other small objects in the pockets for little ones to pick up and sort while working on their finger coordination.

Have fun repurposing that egg carton!
– T

Linking up:   Made By You Monday     What I Learned Wednesday     Works For Me Wednesday     Project Inspire(d)     Treasure Box Tuesday    Pinworthy Projects

Five Minute Friday: “Close”

It’s Five Minute Friday and the word is “Close”.  The question: is it “close” as in physically or emotionally close OR is it “close” as in the closing of a door?

My immediate thoughts go to the photo I posted on my Instagram account for Throwback Thursday.  The picture I posted embodied “close” in all forms I question above.

wl-photoOne year ago, my baby boy graduated high school and closed the door on his high school years.  He graduated along with his childhood friends that he’d gone to school with since kindergarten, his best friends who shared everything, his football teammates who fought through four years of adversity and triumphed their senior year, and our sweet cousin – his very first best friend (pictured).  These two cousins were born six weeks apart and their relationship like their age is the definition of CLOSE

As I posted that graduation photo for #tbt my thoughts were those of the bond these two young people have.  I reflected on their infancy, and their giggles at age three, the friendship they shared at ten, and their loyalty throughout their high school years.  I thought about how close their thoughts are for the future.  Both studying to serve their community & make a difference in their own respective fields of nursing and firefighting.  And, of course, I thought of that door closing a year ago.  That night was filled with hope & so many happy memories; that night was filled with the love of close friends & family; and that night was filled with a promise of tomorrow and the friendships that were so close that different colleges, states, nor time will break them. 

Close.  To close the door.  Close.  To be close.  To the memory and to the future of both.
– T

Note:  My other baby boy is the  photo bomber in this picture.  I pray he experiences the same closeness his big brother and his favorite girl cousin share.  The ‘bigs’ most certainly adore him as much as he does them and in such a way that the sixteen year difference does not matter.

$100 Giftcard Giveaway

To say thank you for helping Creative Ramblings reach 1000 followers on Pinterest and 1000 fans on Facebook I’ve teamed up with some of my blogging buddies to give you a chance to win a $100 giftcard to either Amazon, Michael’s or Target.

Stay tuned to for a chance to win $200 giftcard giveaway
once reaches 1000 followers on
Pinterest and 100 fans on Facebook.

To enter to WIN $100 – Click the Rafflecopter Link Below!!

$100 giftcard #giveaway
You know you are already thinking about how you would use that gift card. I love gift cards because they often force me to buy something for myself in a store I love, versus cash that usually goes towards bills. I hope you feel the same way!

$100 Giftcard Giveaway

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Double Berry Green Smoothie

This Double Berry (not so green in color) Green Smoothie is a great way to start the day.  It contains both Strawberries and Blueberries however it is not very sweet.  The Honey & Vanilla Protein Powder add some sweetness but if you are looking for a sweeter Double Berry Green Smoothie substitute the Avocado with a Banana.

Double Berry Green Smoothie - DS

1 Handful of Spinach
1 Cup Frozen Strawberries
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries
1 Avocado
(for a sweeter smoothie; replace Avocado with Banana)
1 1/2 Cup Almond Milk
1 Tablespoon Honey (omit if using Banana)
2 Tablespoons Vanilla Protein Powder

Combine all ingredients in blender; blend until smooth.  Serve immediately.  Serves two.

Happy day!
– T

Linking up:    Whimsy Wednesday        Tuesday Tutorials    Blog Party Palooza

Bedtime Prayer Book

aIMG_1335The nighttime routine at our house begins with bath time & brushing teeth, then we exchange hugs and kisses, followed by reading books & saying prayers, and finally we sing some of our favorite songs including “I See The Moon”, “Jesus Loves Me”, “Twinkle Star”, and “You Are My Sunshine” before our little guy drifts off to dreamland.

Listening to our tot say his prayers is one of the sweetest moments of the day.  He often repeats an aunt, uncle, or cousin several times which is our indication that he is really missing that particular aIMG_1315person.  Some nights prayers last a long time including blessing as many friends and animals that come to mind, other nights prayers end after “Daddy, Momma & Bubba” have been named and the infamous “and everybody we love, Amen” line has been shared aloud.

To combine my tot’s love of his family and books along with his list of prayers I created a bedtime prayer book for him.  I used the program MyPublisher to create a prayer photo book in which pictures of loved ones are displayed from times those he prays for shared a fun moment with our little guy.

In the past I have created photo books on four different aIMG_1295online photo company websites.  There is only one that I truly didn’t care for the print quality and they have since been bought out by a different company.  Overall, I prefer MyPublisher as the adding and editing of photos, pages, backgrounds, and accents happen right on my computer rather than over the internet.  MyPublisher offers a free downloadable program  to create books.  The program includes many background, font & accent options and is very user friendly.  After the book is created on the PC it just takes one click to upload it to the MyPublisher website for print.

aIMG_1307The Bedtime Prayer Book I made for my tot is a perfect keepsake and it is already a favorite in our home.  My sweet bookworm loves having a photo book of prayers which holds his memories and loved ones that he is so fond of including his aunts, uncles, and cousins.

The Bedtime Prayer Book, of course, ends with “God Bless all God’s children and everybody we love.  Amen”.

– T


Linking up:   The Makers Link   Fantastic Thursday   All Things With Purpose   Nifty Thrifty Sunday     Works For Me Wednesday     What I Learned Wednesday   DIY Inspired

Lemonade… Lemonade

In San Diego terms this week has been a HOT one.  We’ve hovered around 100 degrees and while that is manageable in most parts of the country and sounds refreshing to other countries, we do not have air conditioning in our home in San Diego therefore 100 IS HOT.  In an effort to cool off a bit & partake in some sweet afternoon hydration I made homemade Lemonade.

abIMG_1169This refreshing Lemonade is not too tart nor too sweet.  Our family of four gives it eight thumbs up!
It is the perfect blend of Lemonade.

3 Lemons
1 Orange
1 Cup Splenda Sugar Blend
2 Cups Water
1 Quart Ice

Squeeze the Lemons and Orange then strain seeds and large pulp.  Bring Splenda Sugar & Water to a boil and stir until Sugar dissolves then remove from heat.  Pour Lemon & Orange Juice into Sugar Water, stir.  Add ice to two quart pitcher, add Lemonade Mixture, and serve over ice.  (160 Calories per Serving.)

blog fire banner

Along with the record breaking temperatures and strong Santa Ana winds San Diego has been overwhelmed with wildfires this week.  There have been thousands of acres burned in several areas of Southern California including our neighborhood, many evacuations, homes lost, businesses burned, animals misplaced, and a life lost.  California Governor, Jerry Brown, declared San Diego County a State of Emergency on Wednesday (5/14/14).  Please pray for the residents of San Diego County and the Fire Fighters who continue to work around the clock to get these fires contained.  And if you are able, please consider giving to the San Diego Salvation Army for Fire Relief or the San Diego Red Cross.
Thank you.
– T

Linking up:   Weekend No Rules Blog Hop    The Weekend Re-Treat
Tasty Tuesday   Tickle My Tastebuds Tuesday

Party Décor * Modge Podge Numbers


I made the above numbers to use as a Graduation party decoration for my oldest son’s high school graduation party last year.  I used photos from each of his high school years so that the number “two” was covered in Freshmen photos, the number “zero” was patched with Sophomore memories, the number “one” included highlights from his Junior year and finally the “three” showcased his Senior year.

These photo covered numbers would work just as well for birthday parties using either the age or the birth year of the guest of honor.  And another super cute idea would be to cover letters of the birthday girl or boy’s name to display later in their bedroom.

To create these numbers for your own event you will need three items:  Numbers/Letter, Photos and Modge Podge.

I was able to find the Paper Mache numbers at Hobby Lobby.  After selecting all the photos I wanted to use I organized them in a Publisher document so that several photos would print per page.  I went to Kinkos to print my pages of photos because I wanted to select a heavier paper to print them on.  It only took Kinkos a few minutes to print the photo pages off of my jump drive and then I was on my way home to create a custom “2013”.

I cut out each photo and began my scrapbook numbers.  I used Modge Podge to glue each photo onto the numbers while creating an overlapping collage.  After the numbers were wrapped in photos and all the brown was covered I used a paint brush to smooth Modge Podge over the photos as a sealant.  The brushstrokes will show and so I suggest using long straight strokes.  After the first coat of Modge Podge was completely dry (a few hours)  I added a second coat to ensure the edges of my photos would not lift.

The result – AWESOME.  Not only did my son love and appreciate having his high school years reflected on his graduating year, 2013, I received countless compliments at his graduation party.  They were a hit all around and they now sit on a shelf in his bedroom and serve as room décor.

Happy Party Planning!
– T


Linking up:  What I Learned Wednesday     Works For Me Wednesday    All Things With Purpose    Creative Blog Party

Million Dollar Spaghetti

IMG_1125My favorite meal as a child was Spaghetti.  And I did not discriminate when it came to meat sauce or meatballs as long as it included red sauce that would stain my face I was ready to partake.  Spaghetti has always been my ultimate “comfort food”.
<< That’s me over there sharing a Spaghetti Dinner with my Granddad at age nine months.

For those of my readers who have their family’s secret red sauce recipe for traditional Spaghetti & Meatballs this post might be a hard one to swallow.  Just stick with me because as a girl who has loved Spaghetti since birth I kind of feel like I’ve earned the “expert” taster status when it comes to Spaghetti.  This baked Spaghetti dish that is filled with creamy goodness is called Million Dollar Spaghetti and it is worth every penny.  In fact, it would likely be worth a lot more if you omit my suggested cans of Spaghetti Sauce and replace them with that secret family red sauce recipe!

1 lb of Ground Turkey (or Ground Beef or 2 cups Chopped Zucchini for a Vegetarian dish)
1 Box of Spaghetti Noodles (I use Whole Grain)
2 Cans of Spaghetti Sauce (24oz each)
1 Package of Cream Cheese (8oz)
1/4 Cup of Sour Cream
1 Cup of Cottage Cheese
1 Teaspoon of Ground Garlic
1 Stick of Butter or Margarine (sliced into 8-10 pieces)
1 Cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 Cup of Shredded Parmesan Cheese

Preheat Oven to 350*.

Start browning your meat and boiling your noodles and while the magic happens on the stove top begin mixing your creamy goodness.

Mix the Cream Cheese, Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, and Ground Garlic with a Mixer until it is well blended.  I do not have a Kitchen-Aid however my “Toddler-Aid” works just as well and is way cuter than those Kitchen-Aid mixers.

IMG_0446Once the meat has browned add the two cans of Spaghetti Sauce to the pan and let simmer while you drain the noodles – you do not want your noodles to cook more than 8 minutes on the stove; they will continue to cook in the oven.

After you drain your noodles, spray a 9×12 baking pan with Cooking Spray.  Take half of the slices of butter/margarine and put them in the bottom of your pan.  Then layer half of your Spaghetti noodles on top of the butter pieces.  Spread your creamy goodness on top of that layer of Spaghetti noodles.  Add the other half of noodles, the rest of the butter/margIMG_0462arines slices, then pour the red sauce with meat on top!
Bake uncovered for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes remove the pan from the oven and layer the Cheddar and Parmesan Cheeses on top, return the dish to the oven to continue to bake 15 more minutes.

Let your dish sit for ten minutes before serving.


Million Dollar Spaghetti makes a great freezer meal and tastes just as good as leftovers.  The recipe above can also be split and made into two 9×9 pans if you have a smaller family or one that does not favor leftovers.

– T

Linking up:   Time To Sparkle    Tasty Tuesday    The Weekend Re-Treat

A Purple Flower; Making My Mother’s Day


book - lisa joRecently a blog post by Lisa-Jo Baker, author of Surprised By Motherhood, caught my eye.  The title of this particular post – How Not To Be Disappointed This Mother’s Day.  In this article Lisa-Jo discusses what we as mothers EXPECT; her point on Motherhood being more than a 24 hour period once a year is made clear.  She offers eleven ideas to celebrate and honor Mother’s Day by giving to others without the expectation of receiving.  Lisa-Jo ends with “Because the thing is, we mother because we’re called to it. We mother because it’s a gift.  We mother because God trusted us with these kids. We mother because we can’t not.”

This article really had me thinking.  Thinking of the moments I had been disappointed  without realizing that what I was really doing was putting an expectation on someone, some thing, or some day.  Years ago I read The Five Love Languages and discovered my first love language is quality time and my secondary language is acts of service.  So therefore I naturally want to give others those things that I like to receive sometimes forgetting to consider their love language and how they might like to receive a gift.  Without fail my little guy and I make a homemade creation for my husband each holiday.  In my love language time equates to love therefore it is important to me to teach my little guy this type of giving.

While my husband is a perfect match for me and pretty amazing at a lot of things he’s not so much the “sit down and create something crafty with a three year old type”.  He’s more of a “little blue boxes create smiles so I’m on my way to Tiffany’s after bath time the night before the gift is needed type”.   Thanks to Lisa-Jo Baker’s blog I decided to take matters into my own hands this Mother’s Day.  One day this past week when the time of the day arrived in which I teach my sweet boy a little something & we create with our hands I announced to him that on this day we were going to make his Momma something.  We discussed Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and how we give love, hugs, kisses and hand made creations.  And to my delight he was all-in!  He immediately responded “My make you a ‘fow-yer’!  A purple ‘fow-yer’ and ‘well-wo’ sun!!  Pwease momma.”  (He sometimes refers to himself as “my”.)

aa-photo(24)We started with a white sheet of card stock that my tot painted blue with a paintbrush.  After his nap when the blue paint had dried he used his knuckles and fingertips to create a yellow sun, his finger tips to splotch a stem, “weaves”, & grass, and his hand to create my purple flower.  It’s beautiful.  My first “homemade for me (by my youngest son) creation.”  I framed it!  I love how enthusiastically my little guy agreed to give to his momma.  I love the act of love & time we shared creating it, and I love the smile on my tot’s face and the sincerity in his voice when he announced “All done!  Momma woves purple fow-yers.”  He’s right.  I love my Mother’s Day gift.  Though the real gift in all of this is that I was chosen to be his & his “Bubby’s” momma and that is the greatest gift I will ever receive.

Happy Mother’s Day to you, and to all Mommas and Step Moms, Adopted Moms, Grandmas, Deployed Mommys & Mr Moms, Mothers-in-Law, Aunties and Surrogate Moms, and to all Women who Nurture.  I hope that you know and feel love on Mother’s Day and everyday.
– T



Linking up:    The Girl Creative – DIY Inspired   Thrifty Thursday   Treasure Box Tuesday   Skip to My Lou   Cupcakes & Crinoline    Creative Corner Hop

Five Minute Friday: “Grateful”

It is that time of the week where I meet up with hundreds of bloggers for our five minute flash mob of free writing.  Lisa-Jo Baker selected “grateful” as this week’s Five Minute Friday word.

Today is my one month ‘blogiversary’.  For that I am grateful.

aa-IMG_8382I read and researched blogging for a solid year before diving in and I explored the idea off and on for years before writing my first post.  I am grateful for the internet that I was able to use as a learning tool, I’m grateful for the bloggers who have set the path, and I’m grateful for the books that have been written.

Some of the most incredibly supportive and encouraging family & friends are in my circle.  For that I am grateful.  There is a large community of bloggers just waiting to mentor and be friends; they are open to sharing ideas, offer encouragement, and share their wisdom.  For them I am beyond grateful.

I am grateful for the people and the companies who have reached out to me to collaborate.  I am overwhelmed by the interest in my little ol’ blog.  And for the readers who click the link on their computer and phone that brings them to my home page I am humbly grateful.  My one year Blog Views Goal will easily be met before my two month ‘blogiversary’  In fact, if the pace remains I will celebrate that milestone in three days and that is because of YOU – the person reading this blog entry right now.  Thank you.  I am grateful for you.

Finally, and most importantly, I am grateful to know a God whose presence reminds me that I CAN try things.  I understand some of those things may feel like successful accomplishments and others like learning lessons but either way it goes those moments are part of my story.  And I am extremely grateful that I am the author of my story in this life and of this blog.

Thank you for reading my blog…
– T

To learn more about me, check out my ABOUT PAGE

Follow me:   TWITTER    PINTEREST     Google+      Linking up at:   Five Minute Friday

Better Buzz Coffee


Better Buzz Coffee is better than ________.  Please fill in the blank with your favorite coffee and/or tea spot then read the above sentence and know these words are true.

aa-IMG_8386Better Buzz is a Southern California coffee shop that currently has five locations as well as a separate coffee roasting facility.  I have been to three of the five locations and they all serve the very best iced teaQuick Disclaimer:  I do not drink coffee.  However I do come from a family of coffee snobs and have raised a nineteen year old “good” coffee connoisseur.  I drink all flavors of tea and enjoy them hot, iced, and blended.  I am a “Self proclaimed tea addict” aka a Tea Snob.

The Lab at Mission Beach is one of the Better Buzz locations and it is a super fun spot to order your tea or aa-IMG_8377coffee.  The back counter at The Lab is filled with jars of different tea leaves.  Take a moment to soak in all that goodness then make your selection or even make a couple selections, order and enjoy your own Better Buzz Tea creation.  My favorite combinations are half Sun Dew Green Tea & half Black Assam Bukhial  or half Green Sun Dew & half Mango Black Tea.

If coffee is more your cup of tea then try The Best Drink Ever which was named after San Diego’s nickname for their signature Americano with a touch of sweetness, cream and vanilla or try their Vanilla aa-IMG_5034Latte!  Both of those amazing creations come recommended by my older son, my Aunt and my cousin.  And believe me they know what they are talking about when it comes to coffee.

You’ll want to plan on trying Better Buzz on your first day visiting America’s Finest City so that you can make multiple stops for more of the BEST before your vacation ends.  Both The Lab and the Pacific Beach locations are close to the coast and and will provide a perfect Beach treat.

If you happen to live in San Diego ~ I’ll see you at the beach!  I’ll be the one soaking in the sun and the ocean breeze while enjoying my half green & half black iced tea buzz.
– T

Better Buzz is also posted on my SAN DIEGO page.  Follow me:  TWITTER    PINTEREST   Google+

© 2014 All opinions are my own.
I did not receive goods/funds/sponsorship to write this review.

Crayola Mess Free Color Wonder

Crayola defines Color Wonder markers as “inks that color only on special paper and won’t color on skin, furniture or fabric”; it is “mess free”; for “ages 3+”; and is “the magic of color without the mess!”

tagipedia defines a 3 year old as an active, smiley, cuddly being who loves the outdoors; trusts there is “good” everywhere; asks why, then asks why again, and again; thinks Daddy can fix anything that is broke; believes a hug from momma can cure the worst moments & pains; lives for adventure and trying new things; finds happiness in minor and major accomplishments; is great with paint, play dough, and imagination; and can create a mess in record time.

IMG_0294-aAs I’ve mentioned before I have a three year old.  A three year old who is defined above.  When I came across Crayola Color Wonder a year or so ago I thought, “Mess free?  What a concept!  What an unbelievable concept.”  However, doubting the idea like waterproof mascara and superglue, I bought into the advertisement.  Crayola’s colorful packaging and big bold “mess free” logo spoke to me.  I bought it.  And I quickly found out with my then two year old that Color Wonder is mess free and magical.

Color Wonder markers ONLY work on Crayola paper.  The variety of colors mark in the specified cap color when coloring on the special paper and they do not mark on anything else.  The tips are white in color yet the actual marking appears clear when placed on skin, walls, furniture, or anywhere else a two or three year old might find themselves being creative.  Color Wonder is a perfect car ride and airplane activity, doctors office visit and restaurant activity, or even a busy time activity on Momma’s bed while she gets ready for the day (as pictured).  There is no concern for distracted fingers moving markers across clothing, bedding, or furniture.  They are magic.

I highly recommend Crayola Color Wonder for those needed busy activity times that less supervision is available.  My personal opinion is that Color Wonder is ideal for ages 2-4.  Note: the packaging states “3+”.  The markers are “fat” and easy for tiny hands to maneuver.  They make a great gift for those creative little ones in your life who might have plenty of crayons, paints, stamps, and stickers.  And this gift doubles as a break for their parents who you adore; might they take a moment for themselves, sit down with a cup of tea and breathe while their tot puts marker to paper and makes magic.  Color Wonder is available in many designs, activity packs, and characters.  And they work for my little guy and me this Wednesday.

Wishing you a colorful and magical day!
– T

Follow me:   TWITTER    PINTEREST    Google+
Linking up at:  Works For Me Wednesday     What I Learned Wednesday     Thrifty Thursday    Epic Friday Linky Party   Time to Sparkle

© 2014 All opinions are my own.
I did not receive goods/funds/sponsorship to write this review.

Cinco de Mayo “Rum-Arita” and baked enchilada chips

Happy Cinco de Mayo!  Let’s do Happy Hour.  I’m thinking a Rumarita & Baked Enchilada Chips to celebrate the Mexican holiday that observes the day of the Battle of Puebla; in which the United States celebrates Mexican heritage and pride.

Our family loves Mexican Food and we typically partake in some fashion at least a couple times a week.  One of our favorite simple Mexican appetizers to make is Baked Enchilada Chips.

– 1 Bag Tortilla Chips
– 1 Can Enchilada Sauce
– 2 Cups Monterey Jack Cheese
– Sour Cream (to garnish)

Black Beans (drained/rinsed), Jalapenos, Black Olives

Preheat oven to 375*.  Spray Stoneware/Pyrex with Cooking Spray (can be individual dishes or a 9×12 baking pan).  Add two layers of the first three ingredients in this order Chips, Enchilada Sauce, Cheese, include any optional ingredients to each layer.  Bake at 375* for 12 minutes.  Top with Sour Cream & enjoy.  Serves four.

Now while those Enchilada Chips are baking let’s create that Rumarita!

A Rumarita is a delightful frozen concoction that could be considered a cousin of the Margarita.  The Tequila in a typical Margarita is replaced with Rum creating a Rumarita.

– 1 Can Frozen Bacardi Mixers Margarita
– 1 Can Water (use the Bacardi Mixers Can)
– 1 Cup Frozen Strawberries
– 1 Shot Bacardi Limon
(or original Bacardi Rum for less lime/citrus flavor)

Blend all ingredients listed together in Blender.  If a different consistency is preferred add ice or water to achieve; add more alcohol if desired.
Makes two 16 ounce Rumaritas.

For some other great blog reads and recipes check out Huckleberry Love Much Ado About Monday posts.  You’ll find some delicious looking Cinco de Mayo ideas like Homemade Salsa by Kleinworth & Co and a One Pan Mexican Meal post from Broke & Bougie.  The Posed Perfection Blog posted a dessert recipe on Skip to My Lou for Sopapilla Cheese Cake – YUM.

I’d love to hear if you try any of these Mexican dishes and if either of my favorites make your list.  Share a comment below or follow me on PINTEREST and TWITTER.
– T

Linking up at:  Time To Sparkle    Tasty Tuesday