
Finally… My First Post

Blog Photo 001Since 2008 I’ve imagined myself writing a blog.  I envisioned myself sitting down with a glass of iced tea or a cup of hot tea and taking a moment to share with my readers something I love.  Something like a product, a place, a thing, a simple recipe, small business, play date location, or app that they may not have otherwise been introduced to.  Sharing my favorite finds and reviewing products I can’t live without.  There would of course be times I shared reviews on something I didn’t love so much or a comparison of something I loved less and then there would be times I’d share part of my journey as a wife & mother.  Finally, after six years, I’m doing it.  I’m finally writing my first blog.  I realize I’m late to the blogging community; in November 2013 Brandon Gaille wrote an article for noting “a new blog is created somewhere in the world every half a second”.

Fast forward to April 2014, after six years of sitting on my bucket list, I decided (with the encouragement of my sweet little cousin) that it was time for my half a second.  In 2008 I had an 8th grader, a full-time job, was a newlywed and we had just purchased a home in Scottsdale, Arizona.  I am now the mother of a toddler and a teenager, work from home in San Diego, California and juggle a wonderful life filled with blissful chaos.  My boys keep me on my toes and keep a smile on my face.  Some days I smile because of the comedy I incur from saying things like “I’m sorry Mickey Mouse Clubhouse isn’t on TV right now, no drinking and driving and don’t do anything stupid” in the same breath.  Other days I smile because of the challenge of choosing to laugh rather than cry as my oldest is struggling with his Statistics homework frustrated with me that I didn’t share a math gene, while my youngest is crying because he can’t get his “wegos to fit” then while forcing the Lego blocks together and fighting back tears he suddenly remembers he wanted the red vitamin for breakfast, not the orange one.  Here come the tears. And why wouldn’t he cry, who wouldn’t?  Red always trumps orange.  Not to mention he woke with the plan to go to Disneyland yet the adults in the home did not plan the same agenda on a Tuesday that his parents are both working and his Bubba has college classes to attend.  Insert smile.

Thank you for being my first blog readers.  I hope you come back and I look forward to hearing from you, my readers, about all the products, people, places, and things you love (and don’t love). Contact me on Twitter.

Now… back to client work & my tea before naptime is over.
– T

to read more about me, check out my ABOUT PAGE