“Hand” Made Flag T-Shirts

aIMG_2878Last year me and my little guy made flag      t-shirts for him and his big brother.

These Patriotic shirts turned out perfect for Memorial Day, Flag Day, & Independence Day.

My teen still wears his regularly however my tot has grown a few sizes since last summer and with a Marine Boot Camp Graduation in our near future as well as Flag Day and Independence Day we made him a new one this week that fits.

To create this Flag T-shirt you will need five items …
*White T-Shirt  *Blue Fabric Paint  *Red Fabric Paint  *Paint Brush  *Small Hand


Instructions:  Prewash t-shirt; Place a piece of cardboard inside the t-shirt so that the paint does not bleed through to the back of the shirt; Start with the blue hand print before adding the red stripes with a paint brush; Allow time to dry before wearing and washing.  Wear with Pride.

aIMG_2849And one more suggested instruction:  if your little one is anything like mine I recommend you pull out an old t-shirt from the Goodwill box in the Garage and some washable paints to paint while you work on the red stripes.  My tot loved every minute of painting a t-shirt “just like Momma” and was extremely proud of his finished product.

Cute, right?
– T

Linking up:  Works For Me Wednesday    Treasure Box Tuesday   Made By You Monday
All Things With Purpose  Weekend No Rules Blog Hop     Nifty Thrify Sunday     Creative Corner Hop   A Creative Princess



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